Monica Karpinski
Monica Karpinski is a content strategist and writer focused on health and science With over 10 years' experience in the field, Monica brings a strong research-based approach to content creation and strategy. Her work breaks down and explains scientific evidence through a human lens—considering all the elements that can influence a person's health, from their social experiences to their medical history.
Monica is the Founder and Editor of The Femedic, a health media platform aimed at women and people with vulvas.

7 Reasons Why Your Vaginal Infection Won’t Go Away
From biofilms to menopause, there are many reasons why your vaginal infections may be coming back or—equally as frustrating—not ever going away in the first place.
Can STIs Cause PID?
Curious if an STI can cause PID? Learn about the link between STIs and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and how to protect your health.
What Is a Yeast Infection? The Ultimate Guide
What is a vaginal yeast infection? Discover symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment in our ultimate guide to yeast infections.
How to Tell Whether Your Vaginal Infection Is Due to Hormones
How can you tell whether your vaginal itchiness is due to a shift in hormone levels or something else? Read our expert guide.

What Is Vulvodynia? Causes, Symptoms, and More
Experiencing pain in and around the vulva but can't determine a cause? Learn what vulvodynia is, its causes, symptoms, and more in this comprehensive guide.
Why Do I Keep Getting UTIs? How Your Vaginal Microbiome Might Play a Role
Tired of recurring UTIs? Discover if your vaginal microbiome is the cause and learn how to manage and prevent frequent infections.
What Mimics a Yeast Infection? 8 Common Conditions
What mimics a yeast infection? Learn about common conditions often mistaken for a yeast infection and how to differentiate them.