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Evvy Vaginal Health Test

Get advanced insights into symptoms, fertility, and other health outcomes. Prelim results in 1-3 days.

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What does Evvy test for?


700+ bacteria and fungi 

Evvy's vaginal microbiome test screens for all bacteria and fungi that have been found in the vaginal and urinary microbiomes — with one swab.

All other vaginal microbiome tests, including other tests at the doctor's office or available online, use technology (called either PCR or 16s) that screens for a predefined & limited list of microbes.

Evvy's test world's first and only CLIA, CAP and CLEP validated test to use metagenomics, an advanced form of testing that sequences all bacteria and fungi present. That means you don’t have to order several tests to know what’s up down there — just one.

If you add our Expanded PCR Panel to your Vaginal Health Test, you'll also receive results for 4 STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trich, and Mycoplasma genitalium), 10 antibiotics resistances, and microbial load for 11 common microbes. 

Please note that Evvy does not test for STIs unless you add the Expanded PCR Panel to your test.

We test for all disruptive and protective microbes that research has shown are related to...

microscopic image of bacteria on the vaginal wall
  • Aerobic Vaginitis (AV)
    e.g. E.coli, Group B streptococci
  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
    e.g. Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella bivia
  • Cytolytic Vaginosis (CV)
    e.g. Lactobacillus crispatus
  • Fertility
    e.g. Microbiome Diversity Score, Fertility Disruptors
  • STIs*
    Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trich, Mycoplasma genitalium. *Only with our Expanded PCR Panel.
  • Good Health
    e.g. Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus gasseri
  • Recurrent UTIs
    e.g. E. coli, Staphylococcus, Aerococcus
  • Yeast Infections
    e.g. Candida albicans, Candida glabrata
  • Mycoplasma / Ureaplasma
    e.g. Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma parvum, Ureaplasma urealyticum
And hundreds more!
If you’re interested, we have a longer list of what we test for here.

Curious what our results actually look like?
Here’s a sample report:

01 --> At A Glance

The first results you’ll receive are your overall health scores, which give a sense of how well-protected your microbiome is.
The first results you’ll receive are your overall health scores, which give a sense of how well-protected your microbiome is.

Your report also includes an interactive visualization of your microbiome, broken down by protective, disruptive, neutral, and unknown microbes.
Hi Ellie, meet your microbiomeYour Microbiome at-a-glance
Your report also includes an interactive visualization of your microbiome, broken down by protective, disruptive, neutral, and unknown microbes.

(We love this part!)

02 --> Vaginal Microbiome Type

Next, you’ll receive your Community State Type (CST), which is determined by looking at your entire microbial profile.

There are at least 5 CSTs that research has associated with broader health outcomes like infections or fertility (depending on the CST).
Your vaginal microbiome typeYour Vaginal Microbiome Type

03 --> Detailed Results

Evvy’s detailed results reveal all bacteria and fungi and their relative amounts.

Note: These bacteria are NOT an exhaustive list of what we test for — just what was present in this particular sample.
Evvy’s detailed results reveal all bacteria and fungi and their relative amounts.

We provide an in-depth description of what it is, what it does, and what symptoms it might be associated with.

We also enable you to filter your list of microbes by the conditions they’ve been associated with in existing research.

Note: These bacteria are NOT an exhaustive list of what Evvy tests for — just what was present in this particular sample.
Your detailed resultsDetailed Results
For each microbe, we provide an in-depth description of what it is, what it does, and what symptoms it might be associated with.
Filter your microbes by the conditions they’ve been associated with in existing research.

04 --> Trends and Insights (Evvy Members only)

The final part of your  comprehensive results is the Trends & Insights section, which gives you a detailed comparison of your previous results and symptoms.
The final part of your  results is the Trends & Insights section, which gives Evvy Members a detailed comparison of previous results.

You can use this to see how hormones, treatments, behaviors and more are affecting your microbiome!
graphs showing trends with microbial shifts trends showing microbial shifts
You can use this section to see if your microbiome is improving over time, or if treatments and behaviors are working!

Unlock STI testing and more with our Expanded PCR Panel

STI testing

Test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trich, and Mycoplasma genitalium — all from the comfort of home

Test positive? We’ve got you — you can order a rush consult with Evvy to get a prescription sent to your local pharmacy.
expedited turnaround

Get PCR and microbial load results for 11 common microbes — in just 1-3 business days

Includes Candida albicans, Gardnerella vaginalis, Ureaplasma and more (see list). Note: these microbes are also tested for via metagenomics in our Vaginal Health Test
antibiotic resistance

Test for 10 classes of antibiotic resistance to get to the right treatment

Includes Quinolone, Methicillin, Vancomycin, Beta-lactam, Carbapenem, Macrolide, Aminoglycoside, Tetracycline, Bactrim, Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase CTX-M

What to expect after your results

  • Get a custom plan of clear next steps, including a prescription treatment program designed by a provider, if eligible. Learn more about clinical care here.
  • Connect 1:1 with a health coach, for free
  • Join our exclusive peer support community
A phone showing a custom Evvy plantwo hands reaching for each othermicroscopic image of bacteria on the vaginal wall
Abigail M

An Evvy Success Story

“I have not had BV come back, I have been UTI free and have not seen a hint of a yeast infection for over a year now.

If I do see any sign of these conditions creep up again, I am not paralyzed by anxiety. I feel empowered to take care of myself and I don't feel alone in that journey.”

Abigail M
— Abigail M.
Read abigail’s story
Read abigail’s story