Vaginal pH plays a vital role in the health of your vagina by providing a quick insight into your vagina's defense against infection, inflammation, and disease.
Typically, healthy vaginal pH levels fall between 3.8 and 4.5 on the pH scale, indicating an acidic environment primarily governed by bacteria called Lactobacilli, which are responsible for lactic acid production. These bacteria help maintain the acidity that is essential for warding off vaginal infections and maintaining overall vaginal health.
Factors like hormonal changes, sexual activity, your menstrual cycle, hygiene practices, and the use of certain products can all influence vaginal pH. For instance, using scented products, douching, or having unprotected sex can alter pH levels and disrupt the microbiome's natural defenses.
When the vaginal pH becomes unbalanced, usually becoming less acidic, it can disrupt this delicate ecosystem and make you more susceptible to infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) or yeast infections.
Knowing which factors can influence your vaginal pH balance is an important way to ensure you know what’s up when it comes to caring for and protecting your vaginal health.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about vaginal pH balance and how to maintain it.
What is vaginal pH?
As you may remember from chemistry class, pH stands for the potential of hydrogen and is a highly useful scientific measure for how acidic or basic (alkaline) a solution is. But instead of some liquid in a test tube, in this case, the “solution” is your incredibly complex and unique vaginal microbiome.
Technically speaking, pH is a scale that runs from one to 14, with seven being the neutral midpoint. The pH level of any substance with a pH of 1-7 represents the acidic side of the scale (think vinegar or lime juice) while substances with a pH of more than seven are considered to be more basic (think bleach or ammonia).

What is a normal vaginal pH?
Research shows that most healthy people will have a vaginal pH of between 3.8 and 4.5, an environment that’s considered to be moderately acidic. Healthy vaginal pH levels are crucial in maintaining a healthy vagina and preventing issues like vaginitis.
Why does vaginal pH matter? Well, it’s a crude metric for an important factor — the bacteria that are present in your normal vaginal flora.
The acidity of your vagina is determined by the presence of healthy bacteria called Lactobacilli. These bacteria are highly protective and prevent harmful bacteria from surviving in the vaginal environment. If your vaginal pH is within range (on the acidic side), it means Lactobacilli are flourishing.
The vaginal pH value is influenced by different factors such as age, sexual activity, and menstrual cycle.
When vaginal pH levels are too low or too high, they are associated with a collection of unwanted vaginal infections, including:
- Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
- Vaginal candidiasis (yeast infections)
- Aerobic vaginitis (AV)
- UTIs and (in extreme cases) kidney infections
- Cytolytic vaginosis
How to test your vaginal pH balance
Vaginal pH tests are readily available and can be a useful tool for determining the acidity of the vagina. However, it’s important to remember that vaginal pH is only a rough measure of the amount of lactic acid that’s being produced in your vagina, not a direct diagnosis for any of the vaginal infections listed above.
Monitoring vaginal pH value is crucial as a screening tool for diagnosing vaginitis and its different types.
Just like having a fever is a metric correlated with the flu — but not necessarily a tool for diagnosing it — pH can be used as a health metric, with an abnormal range indicating to seek further testing. PH tests can’t reveal the levels of protective bacteria (that’s what an Evvy test is for!) or diagnose an infection or disease (requiring a visit to your doctor).
What can disrupt your vaginal pH?
So many aspects of daily life — from changing sexual partners to hormonal fluctuations — have the potential to disrupt the composition of your vaginal microbiota and in turn, shift the balance of your vaginal pH.
Maintaining an acidic environment in the vagina is crucial to support normal flora and prevent the growth of bad bacteria.
A list of factors that can alter vaginal pH, including:
- Sex: sexual intercourse can introduce new bacteria as well as fluids (eg. semen or lube) that are more alkaline
- Your menstrual cycle and period products: during your period, your vaginal pH will naturally become elevated as a result of your menstrual blood temporarily creating a more alkaline environment. Vaginal pH can also be affected via the use of scented or perfumed period products that disturb the composition of the vaginal microbiota
- Certain medications: antibiotics, in particular, can kill bad bacteria but also wipe out the good bacteria, too
- Hygiene: things like douching, washing with perfumed hygiene products, or wearing tight/sweaty clothes for long durations of time increase the risk of microbial imbalance
- Menopause: aging and the subsequent reduction in female estrogen levels has been linked to a higher (less acidic) vaginal pH.
How to maintain a balanced vaginal pH
Your vaginal microbiome works hard to maintain your vaginal and reproductive health. Here are some of the most important things you can do to help it out:
- Don’t douche and avoid vaginal washes or wipes (especially if they’re scented)
- Practice safe sex
- Choose microbiome-friendly lube
- Get screened for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Practice good vaginal hygiene (wiping front to back when you go to the bathroom, changing underwear daily, not leaving period products over the recommended time frame, etc).
- Use microbiome-friendly period products (unscented options with clean ingredients are best)
- Monitor your vaginal microbiome
A note on “pH-balancing” products: research shows that gels, moisturizers, and body wash which claim to restore pH, have only a temporary effect. In general, it’s best to stick to routine practices for maintaining a healthy vaginal environment such as staying clear of harmful products, and practicing microbiome-friendly sex rather than using chemical-ladden products.
How to recognize and restore an unhealthy vaginal pH
We can’t say it enough: an unbalanced vaginal pH is simply a metric to signify an imbalanced vaginal microbiota. That means you should really be paying attention to any symptoms of a vaginal infection, such as:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge (changes in the smell, color, or quantity of your vaginal discharge)
- Burning, itching, or general discomfort in and around the vagina
- Pain with peeing
- Pain with sex.
Here’s the catch: not all infections or vaginal pH imbalance symptoms will look the same for everyone; it’s about knowing what’s normal (and abnormal) for you!
If you have a vaginal pH test result outside of the 3.8-4.5 range or are experiencing symptoms, Evvy’s Vaginal Health Test can help you figure out what’s up down there, down to your vaginal microbiome’s smallest detail. Gone are the days of knowing that something is wrong, but not receiving any real answers as to exactly what that something might be (raise your hand if you’ve been there before).
With a simple, 30-second at-home swab, Evvy’s vaginal health test will tell you all the bacteria and fungi (and their relative amounts!) behind your vaginal pH and then give you a step-by-step plan for what to do next.
To learn more about the composition of your vaginal microbiota that is contributing to a poor pH test result, take a look at Evvy’s Vaginal Health Test.
How can you tell if your pH balance is off?
Your vaginal pH balance might be off if you're experiencing vaginal symptoms such as abnormal vaginal discharge, unpleasant odor, itching or irritation, a burning sensation during urination, or pain during sex. You can easily check your pH using over-the-counter test kits available at most pharmacies. Alternatively, it's a good idea to consult a healthcare provider for a professional diagnosis or take an Evvy Vaginal Health Test, especially if you have recurring symptoms.
How do I maintain my pH balance as a woman?
Maintaining your pH balance is crucial for your vaginal and reproductive health. Your vaginal microbiome works hard to keep everything in check, and here are some important ways you can support it. Firstly, avoid douching and using vaginal washes or wipes, especially if they’re scented, as these can disrupt your natural balance. Secondly, practice safe sex and choose microbiome-friendly lubricants. Regular STI check-ups are essential to catch and treat any issues early. Good vaginal hygiene is also key — wipe from front to back, change your underwear daily, and don’t leave period products in for longer than recommended. Finally, consider testing your vaginal microbiome to stay informed about your vaginal health.
What is a good pH for a female?
A normal vaginal pH is slightly acidic and ranges from 3.8 to 4.5. An elevated vaginal pH can be a sign of an infection such as bacterial vaginosis.
How do I fix my off-balance pH?
The first step is to rule out any vaginal infections. If a vaginal infection is causing a change in your vaginal pH, your healthcare provider can recommend the best course of treatment. This might include antibiotic treatment or antifungals, depending on the cause.
What throws a woman's pH off?
Certain everyday activities, like changes in sexual partners and hormonal fluctuations, can affect the balance of bacteria and pH levels in your vagina. For instance, unprotected sex can introduce new bacteria and alkaline fluids, while menstruation naturally alters vaginal pH. Using scented period products or certain medications, like antibiotics, can also disrupt the vaginal microbiome. And remember, practices such as douching or wearing tight/sweaty clothes for long periods can also increase the risk of imbalance.